Commentary PASCEP re-entry programs benefit the community 13 March 2018 Monica Mellon Temple’s Pan-African Studies Community Education Program is helping people who were incarcerated get jobs.
Commentary Guns are for soldiers, not teachers 13 March 2018 Basia Wilson Arming teachers will exacerbate problems in the education system, like lack of resources.
Commentary Go green with reusable coffee cups 13 March 2018 Christina Mitchell Using reusable containers when buying coffee is an easy way to avoid waste.
Commentary Products ‘for ladies’ promote gender stereotypes 27 February 2018 Christina Mitchell The “Lady Doritos” scandal on behalf of Pepsi’s CEO demonstrated sexism in the way products are marketed to women.
Commentary Encourage recycling in all housing facilities 27 February 2018 Monica Mellon The Edge, an apartment complex near Main Campus, doesn’t match Temple’s efforts for sustainability.
Commentary WRC promotes inclusivity 20 February 2018 Rae Burach It’s valuable that the Wellness Resource Center considers all races and genders when planning events.
Commentary Police: Protesters deserve the same respect as fans 20 February 2018 Diana Cristancho While Black Lives Matter protesters are often condemned, police were lenient during Super Bowl chaos.
Commentary ‘Twitter feminists’ are making a difference, too 20 February 2018 Monica Mellon Shunning social media feminism detracts from the cause itself.
Commentary Group work never pays off 13 February 2018 Alan Sullivan Professors shouldn’t assign group projects; it makes the work harder.
Commentary In new construction, preserve North Philadelphia 13 February 2018 Rae Burach The university should maintain the character of the community’s historic architecture.