Commentary Women belong on pedestals 26 September 2017 Jayna Schaffer The city of Philadelphia should have more monuments to honor notable women.
Commentary Aramark needs to fix its meal equivalency policy 26 September 2017 Lauren Piontko The new meal plan policy is misleading, and the university should reconsider its limitations.
Commentary Help fight the opioid epidemic 19 September 2017 Monica Mellon The university should educate students about how Narcan works.
Commentary Call out all acts of terror 19 September 2017 Rachel Berson We need to stop minimizing white terrorism.
Commentary Day care should be an option for student parents on Main Campus 19 September 2017 Joy Cato The university should consider bringing back the child care program it once had.
Commentary Don’t just say you’re an LGBTQ ally, be one 12 September 2017 Grace Shallow Supporting people who are queer requires more than just tolerance.
Commentary Affirmative action prevents true equality 12 September 2017 Varun Sivakumar Students and employees should not be chosen on the basis of race.
Commentary Affirmative action is essential for equality 12 September 2017 Zari Tarazona From admissions to in-college support, affirmative action makes a difference.
Commentary Buddhism is my religion, not your decorations 05 September 2017 Lauren Piontko People should take the time to learn about Buddhist symbols before using them as decoration.
Commentary Temple should offer free tampons 05 September 2017 Monica Mellon Like toilet paper, period supplies are bathroom necessities.