Field hockey wins final home game

Owls beat Georgetown 5-1 at Geasey Field.

Temple beat Georgetown 5-1 in the final home game at Geasey Field this season.

In a victory against a struggling 2-13 Georgetown team, Temple jumped out of the gate immediately, moving the ball and controlling the tempo of the game well. Then, just under six and a half minutes in, senior forward Lauren Hunt put the Owls on the board by redirecting a penalty corer shot by sophomore forward Alyssa Delp.

Defensively, Temple was successful in keeping the Hoyas contained, holding Georgetown without a shot for the first 13 minutes of the game.

By the end of the first half, Temple had outshot Georgetown 14-2 and would add on one more goal when junior forward Amber Youtz scored on a pass from freshman forward Katie Foran with just over 13 minutes left.

Georgetown made it a 2-1 game in the second half, when sophomore midfielder Taylor Craig was able to pick up a rebound and put it over redshirt junior goalkeeper Lizzy Millen, who saved two of three shots on Friday. However, that was as good as it got for the Hoyas.

Youtz responded two minutes later with her second goal of the day, when she picked up the rebound off her own shot and put it past freshman goalkeeper Rosalie Nolen on the second try. Laughman got in on the scoring as well with her first goal of the season. Doyle faked a shot and made a quick move on the penalty corner, then sent it over to Hunt, who set up Laughman for the goal.

“The goal from Kayla was huge,” Janney said. “She really responded. We were pretty hard on her in practice yesterday. We wanted her to be hungry for a goal so we are happy that she got reward with one today.”

“Credit to Lauren Hunt for getting the ball on the back post,” Laughman said. “I just had to stand there and put it in.”

Youtz and Foran would connect for another goal 22 seconds later, but this time it was Foran who finished off the play. The win improved the Owls record to 13-4 and 4-2 in Big East play. They have two games left in regular season against Lafayette on Sunday and No. 4 Connecticut next Saturday.

For Hunt, Molly Doyle and Mandi Shearer, the game marked their last regular season game at Geasey Field.

“It was a really emotional time because those three seniors are really special to our team,” sophomore defender Kayla Laughman said. “They’ve been a vital part of our team. It just puts everything into reality that in a few years it’s all going to be over, so we have to cherish every moment.”

“I’m exhilarated for them that they’re having such great senior seasons,” coach Amanda Janney said. “But it’s sad seeing them play their last game.”

Temple is currently fourth in the conference and will be looking to move up as much as it can before the Big East Tournament on Nov. 8

“We’re still fighting to get a good seed in the tournament,” Janney said.

 Nick Tricome can be reached at or on Twitter @itssnick215.

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