The Temple News: How did you start working at the TECH Center?
Abhi Trivedi: With the major I am in, I deal with all the software and all the technology stuff, so this is the best place on campus to work. Here, my skills can be used.
TTN: Does this relate to the career you want to have after school?
AT: I’ve been trying to apply for Google student ambassadors. Google software is trying to make the software student-friendly. I would be able to help people understand the software.
TTN: Do you like working here?
AT: Yes. The best part is that you get to help students. There are many things, the software is student friendly, but they don’t use it in high schools that much, and they use it here in college. I like getting them to understand the software and knowing how to use it.
TTN: What do you do outside of work?
AT: I’m much into guitar playing. I play amateur things and try to make some music.
TTN: How do you like Temple? This is a big transition from St. Louis.
AT: I like Temple. The shift from a small city to a big city, from a small campus to a big campus, living the life of a big city, that’s the idea I like about Temple. To sum it up, unity and diversity.
TTN: Do you ever deal with anything crazy here?
AT: Yeah, I worked the overnight shift, and I’ve been working here a year. Seven to eight times, students have come here drunk at night to hang out and see how the TECH Center is at night. We just ask them to leave, and sometimes we have to call the police. The thing is that if students sleep here, they have their stuff spread out, and people try to steal that, so just to keep them awake so their stuff is safe. This is a study facility. People aren’t supposed to sleep here.
Greg Trainor can be reached at greg.trainor@temple.edu.
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