Temple-related mumps cases reach 86 students

The university will hold two free vaccination clinics next week for students, faculty and staff.

Student and Employee Health Services is combating an outbreak of the mumps that was first announced on Feb. 28. | LUKE SMITH / FILE PHOTO

There are 86 Temple University-related mumps cases since the outbreak began last month.

There are 16 confirmed cases and 70 probable cases, with 82 of those involving people who reside in Philadelphia and four who reside in surrounding counties, wrote Jim Garrow, the communications director of the Philadelphia Department of Health, in an email on Thursday.

These numbers are cumulative, meaning these are known cases since the outbreak began. It is unclear how many of the people involved in these cases have recovered.

The university will hold two on-campus vaccination clinics, at which the Mumps, Measles and Rubella vaccine will be offered to Temple students, faculty and staff for free upon showing an OWLcard.

Temple Student and Employee Health Services and the Philadelphia Department of Public Health will host the clinics in Mitten Hall’s Great Court on Wednesday, March 27, and Friday, March 29, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

It is recommended for those who have had two doses of the MMR vaccine and were in close contact with someone experiencing mumps symptoms to get the third MMR vaccine dose. 

According to a university release, there’s no treatment for mumps. But you can relieve symptoms with tactics including:
Taking medication like Tylenol or
Drinking fluids
People who are pregnant
People with illnesses that weaken their immune systems, like AIDS or any form of cancer
Health care personnel
International travelers
People who did not receive two doses of the MMR vaccine as a child
Student Health Services
Pharmacies like Walgreens, CVS and Rite Aid
Most primary care physicians and urgent care clinics have the vaccine in stock, according to a university release sent on March 4.

Mumps is a highly contagious viral disease that can be transmitted via the nose, mouth and throat. Symptoms include swelling of the face and jaw, fever and body pains. The incubation period is 12 to 25 days, and symptoms typically appear 16 to 18 days after exposure.

Someone with mumps is considered contagious two days before their face swells, through five days after, according to a university release. It’s recommended that people with mumps isolate themselves so they’re less likely to infect other people.

Students experiencing symptoms should contact Student and Employee Health Services.  

1 Comment

  1. In Southeastern Pennsylvania a recent ‘pandemic (?)’ of sorts seems to have broken out regarding the infectious disease known as MUMPS. Everyone is just about going bonkers, specifically one of the universities where the outbreak has been more prominent.
    Parents, according to radio news reports, are very upset about the Mumps outbreak. What would those parents have done when Mumps was prevalent in the 1940s? Surprisingly, everyone got well; no deaths, either; Mumps was a child’s “rite of passage,” which “tuned” up the child’s immune system. And, more frightening than anything for current fear-mongered parents to ponder, there was no MMR vaccine doctors could recommend then, since that vaccine did not come on the market until 1971.
    However, what most parents, Temple, and the Philadelphia media talking heads obviously don’t know, nor want to factor into the equation of vaccine safety and efficacy – especially regarding Merck’s MMR vaccine – is that for close to ten (10) years Merck falsified the Mumps active in the MMR vaccine as having a 95 per cent efficacy rate, which was a bold face fraudulent, scientific lie reported to CDC and FDA, and in turn to the entire globe, since CDC/FDA ‘vaccine theology’ is regarded as an apparent ‘gold standard’?
    Those college students who presently have contracted Mumps apparently received the MMR vaccine of the 1990s false efficacy rating for the Mumps active. What impact did that have upon those children’s immune systems?
    How incredible those parents deliberately were deceived into believing their children were vaccinated against the Mumps!

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