Everyone should know that sleeping is essential to a healthy mind and body. So why aren’t more people taking precautionary measures to ensure they get a good night’s rest? We’re college students. Everyone knows that

Everyone should know that sleeping is essential to a healthy mind and body. So why aren’t more people taking precautionary measures to ensure they get a good night’s rest?

We’re college students. Everyone knows that college students get very little sleep. There aren’t enough hours in a day to do everything that needs to be done.

Between attending classes, studying, working, writing papers and doing research, getting sleep usually comes in dead last.

The next time you are out, look at everyone on campus. Since it is the beginning of the semester everyone is alert and oriented, but as we move further into the semester students will be walking around like zombies because they’re not getting enough sleep.

There are many disadvantages of depriving the body of sleep. Sleep enables the body to recuperate from the hustle and bustle of daily activities. Without enough sleep the body is not given an opportunity to recover. Sleep deprivation can, and ultimately will, result in constant tiredness. If you are tired you will not be able to concentrate on the many things that need your undivided attention.

For instance, if you’re not able to get enough sleep you’ll probably be late for class. If you are late for class you will miss information that you will need later. Or you will probably fall asleep in class and miss important information. This will make a bad impression on your professor, leading to a low grade in the class.

Do you see the pattern here? It is like a domino effect. One thing effects everything else you do.

Sleep deprivation has been proven to have an adverse effect on your body in another way, too. Not getting enough sleep breaks down the body’s immune system, making a person more susceptible to colds and other viruses. That can be hazardous to you and others.

With a good night’s sleep you will be better prepared to handle being not only a college student but a good college student. Sleep provides your body with energy, which enables you to effectively study for exams and get the grades that you are capable of getting. You will also be less irritable at the amount time you are spending in class.

Of course, there is a solution to this problem: time management. If you manage your time wisely you will have enough time to get a good night’s rest.

A student planner is very helpful in allotting certain times to certain subjects. Perhaps seeing a visual representation of everything you have to do will put things in perspective, but be sure to include time spent on working, eating and relaxing.

Sleeping may not always be a top priority, but if students organize their day to allow time for everything, including a good night’s sleep, they definitely will become a better people in every aspect of their life.

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