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Students protest five-year war in Iraq

As activists around the nation rallied for peace Wednesday to mark the fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq, Temple’s Student Peace Alliance demonstrated at the Bell Tower. Gathered around the “Peace Pole,” members of

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Four local students get full ride

Temple’s Philadelphia Scholars program makes college a more accessible dream to public high school students, but Mayor Michael Nutter calls on more followers to increase its impact on the city. President Ann Weaver Hart announced

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Diverse but separate campus

“One of the problems of a big urban university is that people are scattered,” said Tchet Dorman, director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs. Dorman and his office are trying to help people on campus

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Waking neighbors, building a community

The do-it-yourself music scene in Philadelphia is rapidly turning into the hope-someone-else-does-it scene. Aspiring young bands from all over the region that want to play Philly are finding it difficult to organize a show in

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Don’t forget to wash your hands…

To pee, or not to pee: that is the question. There are few things that are more uncomfortable than needing a restroom in public. Many businesses only offer their bathrooms to paying customers, while some