Voices: What are your Thanksgiving plans?

With fall break starting next week, students share if they have plans for Thanksgiving.

Sophia Celano

Sophomore psychology major

“I am staying home with my immediate family, and just my grandparents are coming over.” 

Joe Cotillo

Freshman business management major

“My plans for Thanksgiving are going home, hanging with my family and then coming back to Temple in January.”

Olivia Sariano

Sophomore public relations major

“For Thanksgiving I am actually working. I work at Sephora, so I will be there for Black Friday. I haven’t been to Thanksgiving since I was 16, so I guess this is normal, but my coworker normally brings us a plate of food.”

Lily Towle

Freshman psychology major

“My plans for Thanksgiving are just going home to see my family and my cats.”

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