https://www.washingtonpost.com/intern Summer just ended and school is back in swing. Have you thought about what you want to do next summer? If you’re searching for an internship at The Washington Post, you’d better think fast.


Summer just ended and school is back in swing. Have you thought about what you want to do next summer? If you’re searching for an internship at The Washington Post, you’d better think fast. The application deadline is Nov. 1.

Since we’re in the Internet age, applying for an internship is as easy as clicking on to the newspaper’s Web site.

The Washington Post offers internships in all sections of the paper, including news, sports, style, copy editing, photography, and graphic design. The catch is, the Post prefers journalism students who are juniors or seniors. Profiles of last year’s interns are available on the Web site, where you can tell exactly what is required of interns.

Interns at the Post tend to have phenomenal experiences. “Working at the Washington Post last summer was an amazing experience,” one of last year’s interns said. “To see the new age of journalism, especially with what they [the editors] could do online was just spectacular!”

Just a click away from the Post’s intern site is the official site for the paper itself. It’s worth checking out for the top news stories around the nation and the globe.

Viewers can catch up on sports and style, and check the daily comics and crossword puzzle. Access to the Post’s extensive archives also is available; depending on how far back you want to search, there may be a small fee.

Washingtonpost.com/intern is a great resource in finding a summer job at the paper (or online), and if writing isn’t you niche, check out the Post’s online classified section. There is something for everybody out there.

Grade: A
– Rachel Maisler, Temple News Staff Writer

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