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AlliedBarton rallies for better salaries

Gathered outside AlliedBarton Security Services’ Philadelphia headquarters on Sunday, labor activists, security guards and church members continued to demand increases in wages and benefits for AlliedBarton employees. Marchers with signs hung around their necks stating

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Anti-Semitic ‘joke’ at UV

Most students didn’t notice it at first, but when the media descended on University Village Thursday, residents took a second look at the newsletter slipped under their door. In an April Fools’ joke gone wrong,

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Clause keeps drinkers from UDC

  After too many swigs from the bottle, some students dial only the more familiar numbers in their cell phones. Many of them don’t know that they can also contact Temple’s Emergency Medical Services –

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A renewed call for local action

The call for black men in Philadelphia to make a real difference was answered during a community action fair, hosted by “10,000 Men: Call to Action,” at the city’s school district headquarters building last Saturday.

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Permanent memories

  Ciara Deprill would have graduated from Temple this year. Deprill was killed on Feb. 3, 2006, when she was the passenger in a car with a drunk driver. Two years later, her memory continues

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Store gives street art a new spin

The misconceptions and stereotypes that cloud the reputation of street art are quickly becoming ideas of the past, thanks to one man and his store. Eric Cohen is the owner of Rarebreed, a store dedicated