Featured Temple Women’s Rugby club aims for nationals victory 31 October 2023 Molly Fiske The team has been locked in a fierce rivalry with Vassar College for two seasons, but they’re determined to emerge victorious this fall.
Basketball Lynn Greer named Men’s Basketball Chief of Staff 19 October 2023 Ryan Mack The former Temple great is coming back to Temple as a part of Adam Fisher’s staff.
Featured Temple Women’s Soccer head coach away from team after bicycle accident 30 August 2023 Declan Landis Nick Bochette will miss at least Thursday’s game against Lehigh due to injuries.
Athletic Department Temple to partner with Fanatics, offer football and basketball jerseys 09 August 2023 Declan Landis The partnership was announced at a Tuesday information session discussing Temple’s relationship with NIL.
Athletic Department Temple introduces new logo for athletics 01 August 2023 Jaison Nieves For the first time since 2020, Temple Athletics will have a new logo that will also serve as a secondary logo for the rest of the university.
Featured Temple hires Larry Knight as defensive line coach 08 June 2023 Samuel O'Neal Knight, who served as outside linebackers coach in 2018, returns to Temple after the dismissal of former defensive line coach Antoine Smith.
Featured Temple closes Geasey, Temple Sports Complex amid low air quality 07 June 2023 Julia Merola The decision comes after the city issued a code red for fine particles from Canada’s wildfires.
Athletic Department Jordan’s devotion helps fuel Temple Athletics’ development 03 April 2023 Nick Gangewere Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Jeremy Jordan’s passion for business and sports has led to his role on the NCAA Division I Committee on Infractions.
Featured Temple’s ticketing system highlights disconnect with student body 28 February 2023 Johnny Zawislak Temple moved their student ticketing completely online to keep up with the ticketing technology, but the feedback has been lackluster.
Athletic Department Darrah’s traumatic diagnosis helped shape career 27 February 2023 Nick Gangewere Edward Darrah, Temple Athletics’ director of mental health counseling, has gone from receiving mental support to supporting others.