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Temple tweets

I’ve done it. You’ve done it – oh my stars, how you have done it – the emo tweet. A cluster of raw vagueness that absolutely no one other than you can understand, the emo tweet begs for concerned @replies. Nine times out of 10, if you paste the bad boy into your Google search box, some sort of Taylor Swift song lyrics will come up.

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Temple Tweets

I am not realistic. For example, Temple canceled classes two days last week due to “Frankenflake.” In my mind, this means Temple does not exist, I am not a student, and I am free to

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Temple Tweets

I’m sure it is no surprise that Valentine’s Day just pisses me off. It isn’t that I am overly bitter or lonely – I do have Twitter by my side. It is just that other people, via social networking, ruin what might be a – gasp – somewhat cute holiday.

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Temple Tweets

At a young age, most of us start to learn fun, stereotypical facts about the 50 states. Old people live in Florida, most people from Connecticut will think they are better than you, and New Jersey is dirty.

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Temple Tweets

It is kind of creepy to think of all the different situations we experience at exactly the same time as people we do not know. Simultaneous first dates going on in the same restaurant, babies

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Temple Tweets

My body is transforming. Back in elementary school, this was a good thing – I could wear a training bra and snicker like I was keeping a dirty little secret from my fellow fifth graders. Nowadays, the fact that my clothes are getting more and more snug is no secret.